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March 28, 2025
Strip and Flip Quilt Pattern is Free for a limited time from Alamosa Quilter

 My next free pattern is available! It's called Strip and Flip Jelly Roll Quilt and it's a digital download.

Finished Strip and Flip Quilt

The following link will take you directly to the pattern: Strip and Flip Quilt Pattern

When you check out you will need to add the coupon code FreePatternStrip&Flip2025 to get it for free. The code will work from now through April 10, 2025 at 6pm US Mountain Time.

This is a great pattern for that random jelly roll you purchased without a plan. One jelly roll will make the whole thing, including binding. Or you'll need 27 ...

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March 17, 2025
FREE Burrito PillowCase PDF pattern and a video tutorial from Alamosa Quilter

 My newest FREE pattern is the Burrito PillowCase PDF pattern. This one is just plain free, as in the price $0.00 - no coupon code required.

I also filmed myself making one. You don't need a copy of the pattern as I give you all of the information you need in the video, but if you are someone who likes to have a printed pattern you can get a copy for free. The fabric requirements also listed in the video description on YouTube. 

If the embedded video doesn't work on your device here is the link to video ...

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February 28, 2025
Chinese Finger Puzzle PDF Pattern :: Free for a Limited Time from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm offering another free digital download pattern.

Chinese Finger Puzzle Quilt

What I love about this pattern is that the top is made with only a jelly roll. You need 1/2 yard for binding and 3 yards for backing.

The pattern is available for free until March 13, 2025 at 6pm Mountain Time. To snag a copy for yourself click the following link: 

Chinese Finger Puzzle PDF Pattern 

You'll need to use the code FreePatternFingerPuzzle2025 to get the pattern for free. 

If you are reading this after March 13th at 6pm, you can still get a copy of the pattern for ...

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February 21, 2025
My Favorite Binding Method :: A Video Tutorial from Alamosa Quilter

 I often tell my customers that there are at least 15 correct ways to do binding. I don't know if there are exactly 15 ways to bind a quilt, but there are definitely a lot of correct ways to bind a quilt. My favorite method is to sew the binding to the front of the quilt by machine and hand sew it to the back of the quilt. In this video I show you how I do this process.

As I say in the video, this is just ONE way to bind a quilt - my favorite way. If you ...

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February 14, 2025
Proper Way to Fold your Fabric for Cutting from Alamosa Quilter

 Have you ever been cutting fabric strips for a project only to open them up after cutting and realize that they are slightly bent at the folds? These are called "fabric elbows". Nobody wants a fabric elbow. When you are cutting straight strips you really need them to be truly straight. 

So why does this happen? Well, it's all in how you folded the fabric before cutting it. You didn't fold it straight with the grain of the fabric before cutting. In this video I show you two methods for finding the straight grain of your fabric so ...

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February 3, 2025
Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern :: Free for a Limited Time from Alamosa Quilter

 I finished up my personal sewing project for the month!

Hexie Bag Side One Finished

Hexie Bag Side Two Finished

This is what I chose for the lining.

Hexie Bag Inside Finished

I filmed the process of actually sewing the bag and currently am offering the pattern I wrote for this bag for FREE. Click the link below and use the code FreePatternValentine2025 to get a copy for free through Thursday February 13, 2025 at 6pm Mountain Time USA.

Basic Zipper Bag PDF Pattern

To view the video you can watch it embedded right here or click the link below the video to go to it directly on my shop YouTube Channel. If you ...

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January 24, 2025
Square in a Square Pillow Pattern :: Free for a Limited Time from Alamosa Quilter

 I have a new pattern with companion step by step video tutorial. I'm offering the pattern for FREE for a short time. Use the code FreePatternJAN2025 to get the pattern for free through Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 6pm USA Mountain Time. If you are finding this after the free time period, all the links below should still work and the pattern is still available, it's just not free.

Completed Square in a Square Pillow

If you'd like to snag yourself a copy of the pattern then click this link: Square in a Square Pillow Pattern. The pattern is sold as a digital ...

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January 20, 2025
Mystery Five-0 :: Do you like mystery quilts? from Alamosa Quilter


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November 4, 2024
How to Make a Basic Bowl with Rope from Alamosa Quilter

 I've been trying to do more video content but I don't really like to be on camera. Editing the videos is a learning experience and time consuming. I am getting better but I never thought I'd be filming and editing videos as part of my job. You just never know what skills you'll need in life!

I made a video demonstrating how to make a basic bowl with rope. It's kind of a mini class. It's not perfect, but I think you can get the idea and learn something which is more important than ...

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October 14, 2024
Crimson Tweed is Done, Done, DONE! from Alamosa Quilter

 As most Sue Spargo projects are, this one took quite a while. I've been working on this for about four years. The hand quilting alone took a little over two years, but I really only got to work on it on Thursdays during the hand sewing group at my shop.

I included lots of close up shots of the finished quilt below. 

Crimson Tweed Finished

Crimson Tweed Detail 1

Crimson Tweed Detail 2

Crimson Tweed Detail 3

Crimson Tweed Detail 4

Crimson Tweed Detail 5

Crimson Tweed Detail 6

Crimson Tweed Detail 7

Crimson Tweed Detail 8

The pattern is called Crimson Tweed by Sue Spargo. The pattern book is discontinued and I have already sold my personal copy of the pattern to a customer who wanted it. An internet search might turn up ...

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September 23, 2024
Crimson Tweed Update from Alamosa Quilter

 On Thursday of last week I put the final seed stitch, which is how I hand quilted this, in my version of Crimson Tweed.

Crimson Tweed, quilting completed

I've been working on this for quite some time! I started quilting it in October of 2022. I worked on it most Thursday afternoons at my shop during our Hand Sewing Group. Sometimes store sewing took precedent and I had to get it done instead of working on my Crimson Tweed, but I tried to not let store sewing get in the way very often.

The last step is binding, a label and a hanging ...

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September 16, 2024
Dip Dyed Rope Bowls from Alamosa Quilter

 I did a little experiment last week. I bought some liquid Rit dye from the grocery store along with a bottle of the Rit dye Color Fix. I followed the directions on the bottles and dip dyed a sewn bowl and some loose rope.

Here is the bowl before dyeing.

bowl before dyeing

I used an old bucket to set the bowl and loose rope in with the dye. Then I set them in the sun in my backyard to dry.

dyed bowl and rope drying in the sun

dyed bowl and rope drying in the sun

Here is what the bowl looks like after it dried. 

finished dip dyed bowl

Then I made another bowl with the dip dyed loose rope.

bowl made with loose dip dyed rope top view

bowl made with loose dip dyed rope side view

bowl made with loose dip dyed rope cork finish

On ...

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September 9, 2024
More Rope Sewing from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm having so much fun sewing with the new rope I received in my shop!

The first thing I made with the new rope from The Mountain Thread Company was this Basket with Handles. I used the kit shown in the photos that the basket is sitting on to make it. I wanted to test out their kits. They are excellent! Each kit includes the amount of rope you need to make the project, a denim needle for your sewing machine and the instructions for the project.

Basket with Handles

Basket with Handles

Next I wanted to try out some of the colored rope from ...

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August 20, 2024
Rope Bowls from Alamosa Quilter

 This is not new. I've made bowls, baskets and bags using rope in the past, but around 2018 I started having difficulty finding good rope. I ordered several different brands and tried buying from my local Ace Hardware and Walmart, but everything I could find was too "floppy" so I quit.

Well, rope bowl sewing is making a comeback and there are now lots of great rope options on the market again.

Large Rope Bowl 1

Large Rope Bowl 2

The above bowl was made using 100 ft of cotton rope. Then I found a company that makes kits!

Rope Bowl kits

Basket with Handles kit and finished basket

Each one of these kits comes with enough ...

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July 23, 2024
Potato Chip Blocks Variation 2 is Closer to Done from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm getting closer to finishing up my potato chip quilt.

Quilted Potato Chip variation 2 quilt

I got it quilted this weekend. Next step is binding. I have some scrappy binding and I plan to use it for this scrappy quilt.

Check out the backing fabric I used. I found this in my stash.

Backing fabric
closeup of backing fabric

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July 1, 2024
Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: Putting the Blocks Together from Alamosa Quilter

 I used sashing and corner stones to complete my quilt top using the 12 blocks that I made. If you made 12 blocks and you want to finish your blocks the way I did, the directions are below.

You will need (31) 2" by 12.5" for the sashing and (20) 2" by 2" squares of scraps for the corner stones. If you used the larger 2.5" by 4.5" potato chip pieces, then you need (31) 2.5" by 16.5" rectangles for the sashing and (20) 2.5" by 2.5" squares of scraps for the corner ...

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June 28, 2024
Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: Contest Info from Alamosa Quilter

 Now is the time to enter. Unless you are local and can bring your blocks into the shop, you need to take ONE photo of your blocks similar to what I did below. I made 12 blocks, but your photo should include all of the blocks you made. And one block is totally fine, it counts!

example of how to photograph your blocks

You can enter the contest in any of the following ways, but please only do ONE:

(1) If you are local, you don't need to take a photo. You can just bring all of your blocks into the shop. We'll count them ...

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June 26, 2024
Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Sew Along :: My Blocks are Done! from Alamosa Quilter

 Things have settled down a bit for the moment with the POS switch. As with so many things, there is a lot of "hurry up and wait" with this. Since I didn't have to focus so much on the POS project last week I was able to get my blocks done.

12 Completed Potato Chip Blocks, variation 2

This week I will try to do the sashing I have planned and write up the instructions for that so that you can finish yours just like mine if you want to. If you don't, it won't hurt my feelings at all. It's YOUR quilt ...

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June 19, 2024
Potato Chip Block (Variation 2) Update :: A Bit of a Delay from Alamosa Quilter

 I'm having to change my point of sale system I use in my shop - not because I want to, I have to. I really love the system I am using, but it's being phased out so I have to switch. I've known this for some time, but recently there have been other factors that have forced me to make this switch immediately as opposed to at the end of the summer, like I planned. 

It's kind of like when you are forced to buy a new sewing machine, not because you want a new one but ...

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June 13, 2024
Potato Chip Block (variation 2) Sew Along Progress from Alamosa Quilter

 How are doing with your Potato Chip variation 2 blocks? I have four blocks completed and the other eight are in progress.

four completed blocks

Eight partial blocks

If you missed the instructions for these fun blocks, click the following link for them: Potato Chip Block Variation 2 Instructions

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  • alamosa quilt company
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